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Personal Brand Shoot with Christina Guidotti

Personal Brand Portraits is always great fun when your shooting with some inspiring people who encourage other woman to believe in themselves and become the best version they can be. Christina Guidotti from Leading Women is a brilliant thought leader with a big heart, passion and enthusiasm, encouraging and support women all over the country. […]

Keynote Speaker Photography

Tony Eades from Salted Stone has a brilliant business mind and brand futurist helping people know what to plan for next in the digital marketing space. His business ‘Salted Stone is one of Australia’s Diamond Hubspot Partners. With offices in Sydney, Perth and LA. They specialise in end-to-end digital solutions and consulting for planet Earth’s […]

Personal Brand Photography with Julie Dempsey

You know how you just meet somebody and you just click and get a good feel from? Julie is one of those people. She is an incredible person and talented at what she does. For Julie’s personal brand portrait shoot we wanted to capture a variety of images for her business in Hypnotherapy, NLP and […]

Personal Branding Portraits with Belinda Brosnan

It’s always fun when you get to travel interstate to meet up with your clients for a personal brand shoot! Meet Belinda Brosnan. Since 2012, Belinda has been running her own practice working globally as an executive coach, mentor, speaker, trainer and facilitator. Upon arriving in Brisbane, first stop was to head to Belinda’s place […]

Personal Branding Portraits with Anne-Marie from Paralogic

Another great Personal Branding Portrait shoot with Anne-Marie who runs Paralogic.  She is such an amazing person on so many levels, so it was important to capture her true personality and images for her new marketing and branding needs. It was wonderful to have her husband join us on the shoot as well and get […]