After a personal branding portrait shoot… what’s next?
How can you maximise the most out of your images, especially if you have paid a professional to take these for you?
One of the quickest and most effective ways to deliver the personality of your brand is to use your professional portraits as a social media marketing tool. It’s also the most cost effective.
Research also shows it takes 5-7 impressions for someone to remember a brand. Consistency is key.
Visibility and brand presence is more important today in this digital world. Sometimes we only have seconds, so your photo and words should act like a billboard. Imagine driving along the freeway and you see a billboard coming up. If it’s got a great photo and interesting message or tagline you will notice… but usually you’re driving at 100 kilometers so you only have seconds to notice…. much like people scrolling through social feeds… so make an impact!
By increasing your visibility, sharing your own thoughts and values, people begin to take more notice, understand you … and if they like you, they are more likely to buy from you!
Ways you can increase your presence, inspire and create more influence is by taking your Personal Brand Portraits and adding your own personal quote, tagline or even a call to action.
Then use this as a header on blogs or podcasts to quickly grab people’s attention in an interesting way.
Not only does this help create connection with your audience and customers by stepping out from behind the brand (people like to connect with people), it also positions you as an expert or authentic thought leader.
That’s why a collection of images is a great thing to have. You don’t have to do every post with your face on there, but by mixing up your blog post every 4-5 posts with your own personal brand image, you are likely to do the following things:
Increase Brand Awareness, humanises it.
Increase Visibilty
Connect quicker with your audience and clients
Position yourself as a influencer, thought leader or expert.
Share your personality
Share your values
Gives people a better insight into who you are as the person behind the brand….
…. these are just some of possibilities that your personal brand images can do for you.
If you have any questions or are looking to get a collection of inspiring personal brand images to get started on your affordable social media strategy, please let me know, I’d love to help you achieve this.
Special thanks to Amber Daines at Bespoke Communications. Not only did we shoot a great personal brand video, but we also capture some great images on the day as part of the package!
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